Selasa, 17 Maret 2020

*[READ] Conducting School-Based Functional Behavioral Assessments, Third Edition: A Practitioner's Guide By - Mark W. Steege

Conducting School-Based Functional Behavioral Assessments, Third Edition: A Practitioner's Guide By : Mark W. Steege


Book Excerpt :

Widely recognized as a gold-standard resource, this authoritative book has been revised and expanded with 50% new material. It provides a complete introduction to functional behavioral assessment (FBA), complete with procedures, forms, and tools that have been piloted and refined in both general and special education settings. Numerous vivid examples illustrate how to use the authors' behavior-analytic problem-solving model (BAPS) to synthesize assessment results and guide the design of individually tailored interventions. Practitioners and students enjoy the engaging, conversational tone. In a large-size format with lay-flat binding for easy photocopying, the book includes 17 reproducible checklists and forms. Purchasers get access to a companion Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. ? New to This Edition *Revised BAPS model reflects the latest research and offers a more comprehensive approach to FBA. *Chapters on professional and ethical standards;



"This book is available for download in a number of formats - including epub, pdf, azw, mobi and more. You can also read the full text online using our Ereader."


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